How can I update all of my customers’ addresses to be uppercase in Sage MAS 90 or MAS 200?


We’ve all done it at one point or another. We setup some of our addresses in ALL CAPS and accidentally setup others in Mixed Case.As Brett Zimmerman points out over on the 90 Minds blog, the Upper Case Address Utility (or SWUPCS) is a “Hidden Utility” in Sage MAS 90/200 for converting Customer and Vendor addresses (or just City in case you forgot about the “Return City Name in ALL CAPS” setting in Company Maintenance) to ALL CAPS.WARNING!: This is a permanent change, so be sure to use with caution!To access this utility in MAS go to File | Run.Enter SWUPCS in the Program box and click OK.From here you can select City Only or All Address Fields and which addresses you’d like to set to All Caps (Customer, Ship To, Vendor, or Purchase Addresses) and click Proceed.Unfortunately there isn’t a utility to convert all addresses to Mixed Case, but that’s what Visual Integrator is for, right?Via 90 Minds